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Author Archive Isolina Casavecchia

Minny, My first public performance

It was a great satisfaction to participate in a Wushu demonstration under the direction of our “ninja girl” mother. Before starting the emotion was really strong. I remembered what my mother always says… “an athlete is like a warrior, he cannot allow himself to be a victim of his emotions, it would be his end, his athletic performance would be a disaster”. I took a deep breath and without thinking anymore I entered the practice area with my brothers and it was a wonderful experience to move under the watchful eyes of so many people and receive their applause…

Watch the video on our You Tube channel:

Short Wushu performance

Historical Parade in Monteleone D’Orvieto

In this video, I want to show you a fabulous medieval-style historical parade that takes place in Monteleone D’Orvieto in Umbria. Monteleone D’Orvieto is the town of my father and his family who arrived here in 1770 from the province of Siena from a small town called Casavecchia, just like the surname of our family. You can find more news on my father’s site: http://www.sergiocasavecchia.com/about-me/

 if you like the video, leave a Like and subscribe to the channel. Hello to the next adventure.

See our Photo album: https://www.kungfu-kids.com/foto-from-historical-parade-in-monteleone-dorvieto/

See Video from YouTube:


My Mother Ninjia Girl

Today, I want to talk about my mother, aka Ninjia Girl. She is a fantastic athlete and together with my father, she is my KungFu Wushu teacher. When I’m older I want to be as good as her. She is an athlete of the Italian Wushu national team, multiple Italian and international champion. A week before giving birth to our little brother Paxi he competed and got on the podium. My mother is also very good at free fighting (Sanda) and pre-arranged fighting (Duilian). With the participation of our two athletes, my father shot a short film that took part in a film competition, in this video, my mother defends herself by fighting with the techniques of Wushu from two suburban bullies.

Some photos: https: https://www.kungfu-kids.com/photo-of-mom-and-wushu/

To see the video just go to our YouTube channel and if you like you can also subscribe

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZc1u4c4MqQyyTAJrTMftEQ/videos

You can also watch the video directly from this page.

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Chi sono i KungFu Kids

Wally, Minni e Paxi sono fratelli cresciuti seguendo mamma e babbo nel mondo delle arti marziali. Sono i fans più agguerriti della loro mamma Maestro 4° Duan Pluricampionessa in competizioni internazionali e nazionali come Atleta della nazionale Italiana Wushu,  nome d’arte arte Ningia Girl. Si sono innamorati del Wushu Kungfu  seguendoci in ogni parte del mondo tra campionati e stage. Si divertono anche a cantare, suonare, recitare. Gli piace fare video, dipingere, elettronica e robotica. La loro mascotte è Ninjia Kitty una micia simpatia esperta Kungfu nello stile del gatto. Attraverso il sito Kungfu Kids e le pagine Social possono connettersi personalmente con tutti gli amanti delle arti marziali.

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